It is vital to for anybody who wants to own more than one website to have multi domain web hosting. There are a couple of ways of going about it. You can choose to have a shared account for hosting or a virtual private server, or have your own dedicated server. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these multi domain web hosting accounts.
Shared hosting account:
With a shared hosting, by far the biggest advantage, is how inexpensive it is. You can get a shared hosting account that allows you to host unlimited domains for under $10 a month. So basically, for a newbie its a no brainer. Shared hosting accounts are perfect for when you are first starting out. The affordability and accessibility lets newbies test out different websites and see how an internet business works.
A couple of disadvantages of shared hosting accounts are that you are sharing server space with a ton of other customers from your respective hosting company. So technically, if the server crashes due to the all the bandwidth that its taking, you and all the other websites from around the world will crash as well. Also with shared hosting accounts, you can't scan for viruses on your websites. Due to the server belonging to so many people, the only way to scan your websites is to have the hosting company scan it for you.
Virtual Private Server or Dedicated Hosting
These are the options that the seasoned internet veterans use. With either of these options, you will be paying more money. A minimum of $50 a month. But once you are up and running its well worth it.
You are getting your own server, which means you are able to control the disk space and bandwidth a little easier. You can also check for viruses on your domains, which adds some extra security.
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