If you are serious about making money online you will need a domain, a hosting account, and an autoresponder. In this article I would like to introduce and explain what a domain, a hosting account, and an autoresponder are and their purpose. For a newcomer these words may be foreign or confusing.
Two things are needed to get a website online and they are a domain name and a hosting account.
A Domain is the name you want to give to your website. Most of the time it will begin with the letter www, which stands for world wide web. To get a domain name, you will have to pay an annual fee to a domain registration company, also known as a registrar, for the right to use that name. A domain is not a webpage, just the name.
A Hosting account is what is needed to get a web page or web pages onto the world wide web. A host is a company that connects your computer at home, office or wherever you and your computer are to the world wide web. Every website needs a host. when you purchase your domain name, you will also be offered the option of purchasing hosting. You do not have to buy hosting from same company you bought your domain from, although it is often easier.
Once you have a domain name and web hosting set up, you are ready to create your own website. To create a website, you will design it on your computer at home. You will then upload it to your hosting company. And then they, the hosting company, will transfer it to the World Wide Web.
An Autoresponder is an automated email service and considered as an internet marketers secret weapon. It is used to build and manage a list of visitors(potential consumers). An autoresponder has many useful functions such as-allows the easy creation of an 'opt in' form on your website, collects email addresses of visitors to your website, sends automatic messages to your prospects which is someone who has signed up at your site. An auto-responder is very important therefore because it allows you to build a relationship with your visitors.
A domain, a hosting account, and an autoresponder are the three main tools you will need to make money online.
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