As a webmaster there is only one company, in my experience that offers the best domain web hosting. Getting the right hosting right from the start is so important, wether you are just starting out or more experienced. There are dozens of companies to choose from, who should you trust?
From experience I have narrowed it down to what the best domain web hosting will have.
1. 24 Hour Friendly Assistance, 2. Offer a Great Price, 3. They Must Have A Control Panel, (Cpanel) 4. Fantastico De Luxe Is A Must
24 Hour Friendly Assistance
If you run in to any problems it is so important to be able to talk with someone right away.We all know that things go wrong from time to time. I know when I first started there were a couple of things, at the time I would have not been able to sort out by myself.I love it that some companies now have instant chat. You can literally sort things out there and then.
Offer A Great Price
It is a big mistake to try and save a few dollars and go for FREE hosting. This is something that should be avoided when looking for the best domain web hosting companies.They don't realise that the company may not even be there next year. Also they have the right to advertise on your sites. This is something that is best to simply avoid.On the other hand you do not want to be paying the earth. $8 per month is a good guideline.
They Must Have A Control Panel
The best domain web hosting company will have there new websites controlled by a Cpanel(control panel). It then makes taking care of your sites very straight forward and hassle free.If you just want to check the months traffic or change the look of one of your sites it becomes simple.
Fantastico Is A Must
It is a fact that Google loves WordPress. It is now a case of a few clicks of the mouse and you can make a powerful, great looking website.It is great that now anyone can do this through Fantastico.
When looking for the best domain web hosting the best thing to do is just to try a small package first that lets you create as many domain as you like and just to try the company out for a month or so and you will see for yourself how good they are. But always go for a company that is highly recommended and used by the top professionals.
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